hi im jokeez

this is my history assesment

Story of Ra


Before creation, darkness embraced the Primeval Ocean, for that was life would come out from. When the breath of life was ready, Atum decided for Creation to begin. An island emerged out of the water to support the divinity, also known as the sun god, Ra. On the Ancient hill, Ra created from out of himself the first gods, Shu, and his partner Tefnut who would create other gods to complete the Cosmos: Geb the earth god and Nut the sky godesss.Then they would then birth the Principles of life. Oriris the Perfect Being would eventually rule over the rest of the world- but Ra was busy creating naming the elements.


Osiris was a wise and kind ruler who taught humans how to do agriculture and manage their civilisation. With his wife/sister Isis, who helped her husband with magic and creativity, they became the perfect partners. Their brother seth was strong, but unruly. Which was the opposite of his brother. Infact, Seth envied osiris so much that he murdered him so he could inherit his throne and rule Egypt how he wanted. Seth's partner/sister Nepthys could not stop stop the murder despite her love for their siblings. Murdering Osiris turned out to be not such a bad idea. He was revived through the magic of his wife long enough to make her be carried with her son, Horus. Horus would then evenge his father and then recapture the throne of Egypt. Osiris then travelled to the Otherworld to rule over the dead, ensuring one's revival and the circle of life.

The Otherworld

While Ra was perfecting his creations, humanity rebelled against him. Ra decided on exterminating humanity, asking his tear-giving eye for help. To fullil his task, the eye transformed herself into a fierce lioness and began slaughtering humanity, delighted in her feeding. When Ra saw the massacre, he felt sorry for the children who, like tears, 'came out of his eye.' He stopped the carnage but refused to live among the humans more. This led to him residing in the Otherworld, where he created the 12 hours of the day by sailing across the sky from the Eastern horizon to the West in the, illuminating the world in light and allowing all creations to thrive under his rays. When he reached the Western horizon, Ra left the earth in darkness for 12 hours of the night while he sailed in the Underworld, illuminating the dead, destroying the enemies of creation, and forming himself in a stronger union with Osiris, who was the god of ressurection.

Ra's forms

When Ra appeared at dawn in the Eastern horizon, he took the form of Horakhty, or the falcon who flies high in the sky. Ra had other forms too, such as Kheper, who was a scarab that rised from the desert sands when the first rays of the sun come into being, pushing a ball of dung that was carrying his eggs. At midday the sun god was Ra and is represented by the sun disk. At sunset he became Atum, who was an old man who had completed the cycle of his life and was ready to dissapear and revived for the next day.

About Ra

Ra is one of the major gods of Egypt, being the sun god. He is usually represented by a man with a falcon or hawk head with a sun disk above his head. He has many relatives, the most notable being: Hathor, Bastet and Sekhmet.




so like the link was super long so heres it shortened
